# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) """ Components Builder ================== Build the components at the build of a registry. """ import odoo from odoo import models from .core import DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, ComponentRegistry, _component_databases class ComponentBuilder(models.AbstractModel): """Build the component classes And register them in a global registry. Every time an Odoo registry is built, the know components are cleared and rebuilt as well. The Component classes are built using the same mechanism than Odoo's Models: a final class is created, taking every Components with a ``_name`` and applying Components with an ``_inherits`` upon them. The final Component classes are registered in global registry. This class is an Odoo model, allowing us to hook the build of the components at the end of the Odoo's registry loading, using ``_register_hook``. This method is called after all modules are loaded, so we are sure that we have all the components Classes and in the correct order. """ _name = "component.builder" _description = "Component Builder" _components_registry_cache_size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE def _register_hook(self): # This method is called by Odoo when the registry is built, # so in case the registry is rebuilt (cache invalidation, ...), # we have to to rebuild the components. We use a new # registry so we have an empty cache and we'll add components in it. components_registry = self._init_global_registry() self.build_registry(components_registry) components_registry.ready = True def _init_global_registry(self): components_registry = ComponentRegistry( cachesize=self._components_registry_cache_size ) _component_databases[self.env.cr.dbname] = components_registry return components_registry def build_registry(self, components_registry, states=None, exclude_addons=None): if not states: states = ("installed", "to upgrade") # lookup all the installed (or about to be) addons and generate # the graph, so we can load the components following the order # of the addons' dependencies graph = odoo.modules.graph.Graph() graph.add_module(self.env.cr, "base") query = "SELECT name " "FROM ir_module_module " "WHERE state IN %s " params = [tuple(states)] if exclude_addons: query += " AND name NOT IN %s " params.append(tuple(exclude_addons)) self.env.cr.execute(query, params) module_list = [name for (name,) in self.env.cr.fetchall() if name not in graph] graph.add_modules(self.env.cr, module_list) for module in graph: self.load_components(module.name, components_registry=components_registry) def load_components(self, module, components_registry=None): """Build every component known by MetaComponent for an odoo module The final component (composed by all the Component classes in this module) will be pushed into the registry. :param module: the name of the addon for which we want to load the components :type module: str | unicode :param registry: the registry in which we want to put the Component :type registry: :py:class:`~.core.ComponentRegistry` """ components_registry = ( components_registry or _component_databases[self.env.cr.dbname] ) components_registry.load_components(module)